Monthly Archives: April 2013

Dog Beach

We took the dogs to the dog beach in Huntington yesterday; it was Missy Vida’s first trip to the ocean.  She thought the ocean was a little big and a little scary, so she stuck to the beach.  IMG_0003Moby whole-heartedly agrees with Vida that the ocean should not be messed with, and since they lack the opposable thumbs necessary for sand-castles, he introduced her to the joy of crater-making.  Moby once dug a hole so big, that other people were taking pictures of him.  Today, it was only me.IMG_0016IMG_0021 Look at that giant pit smile!  IMG_0030And this is what happened on the ride home.  Yes, I know, my car is covered in dog hair, but as I am merely a humble dog-chaffeur, my usual patrons don’t seem to mind.


This is the post where I get to brag about the orange tree in my backyard.  Actually, they probably aren’t oranges as they taste nothing like oranges.  They are tart, seedless and easier to peal than a Little Cutie, so if you are an orange diagnostician, please feel free to chime in.  Since they are orange and globular we refer to it as the orange tree.
IMG_0223 IMG_0226 Like I said, easy to peal.  Which is a good thing because you need so darn many to make any useable amount of juice.  We plopped them in the juicer and the resulting frothy juice was like an Orange Julius. (Anybody hang around the mall in the late nineties?  Is Orange Julius still a thing?) IMG_0233Since the juice is crazy tart I made a simple syrup with one of the peels, we poured in some champagne and bam! Mimosas.  Happy Sunday.

Legal Pick-Me-Up

SONY DSC SONY DSCListen here.  Sometimes you just have to go buy yourself some flowers.  When all you really want to do is shake your fist at the sky because, seriously, why can’t people drive?!  And, why is everyone in the universe at Trader Joes?  And seriously, Lady, move your cart or I will bumper-car it out of the way for you.

These are all sure signs that it is time to buy yourself some flowers.  $5.99 well spent, I say.